Saturday, September 21, 2013

Roi des Francs

It has been a busy summer.  Lots going on, including writing, teaching, some beach time, and a hot off the presses new Clovis image.  A few years ago a good friend gave me some old French engravings that I have hanging in my office. Beautiful stuff--and one of the images lent itself to a little manipulation. I was able to do some tweaking and voilà! Clovis as a 17th century French engraving!


These are printed with navy blue ink on various types of paper. I made several sizes for full sheets, postcards, and note cards (with envelopes!). Check your mailbox--one may be on its way to you.


Here are some pics of my last day on the beach this summer. From Race Point on Cape Cod. So beautiful.

And Clovis with his trademark ear-droop.